August 5, 2008

Folding Trees/Newspaper Yarn Traffic

I noticed I've been getting some traffic from over at Folding Trees, where I commented about newspaper yarn. In case that's what you're looking for I am actually experimenting with that now, it's about the only thing I've had to do w/yarn since school started. I have some on my drop spindle now, but I was having problems taking it off, getting the right spin, etc, so I'm still experimenting. I'll be sure and post some pictures and information about it as soon as I get back from my trip and play with it more! Which should be by next Friday at the latest! *adds to iCal* If you want me to keep you updated please feel free to add a comment with UPDATE in it and I'll make sure to personally let you know what I learn as I go!

Oh and if you didn't come here from Folding Trees be sure and check them out! Awesome Paper Craft site, one of the best I've ever seen! They update frequently too! That's really hard to find in a paper blog!


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