January 20, 2009

I have a dream!

Sure it's a day late, but I still have a dream! I have a dream that I will actually post to this thing at least once a week! I'm currently admining at two different forums, and at University full-time right now, so I consider that ambitious! 

Plan on seeing some fiber on here soon, I've started up a lot of projects again, especially since yarn keeps me sane, and I'm going crazy!

Side note: newest word I've learned, Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. It's actually a rather depressing word, but if somebody ever got it in Boggle, I'd call them Boggle champion of the world! Mostly because I think it would be impossible, even if playing Big Boggle. That has been the bright star in my Linguistics class however, so now I leave you to return to the boredom. 


Just Melody said...

Whew! I just had to go look that one up. While "black lung disease" is way easier to say, its not nearly as impressive to friends and co-workers. LOL ;)

Have a great day

P.S. Found your blog through your profile on Ravelry

Anna said...

Thanks! Always glad to have fellow Ravelers!