December 20, 2007

"Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, if you've a ready mind, where those of wit and learning, will always find their kind."

Well I'm finally getting around to a new post! I'm so horrible! I think I'll try and update my blog daily for a while, except some of this weekend before Christmas, because we're going out of town and I don't want to have to use the really slow dial-up where we'll be. Or the PC that goes w/it! The updates may be a full post or project, or simply some random picture I've taken! Hey a post is a post right? :D

So the Gryffy scarf has been going swimmingly! I'm completely finished crocheting it and have folded it, stitched it in half, washed it, dried it, and shaped it! It looks great! I just have to sew up the ends now and add tassels.... The pattern doesn't really say how to do that though, so I guess it's up to me decide what way I want to do it! I'm going to have to do some google images searching I guess! 

Here it is in all of it's Godric Gryffindor Glory! Now that I see the first two pics I think the camera washed them out a little! The rolled up picture is true to color!

So last weekend a friend and I went to an LYS (Local Yarn Shop) across town from us, and I just got all caught up in the beautiful, colorful, sadly expensive, wools. So much so that I bought myself some blue and a grey/silver by Brown Sheep and have already started work on my Ravenclaw scarf! My poor other projects! They're so unloved! I actually hope to have my scarf to the point where the Gryffy is by Christmas, and Gryffy done by tomorrow! *fingers crossed* 

If you want to know which yarn brand and colors I picked for the Ravenclaw scarf just pop on over to here on Ravelry! If you're not a Ravelry member just send me an email or leave me a comment! Here's a picture for an idea though! 

I also went w/22 stitches across on my scarf, rather than the 30 for Gryffy. I'm quite mad at myself right now though, I had planned on using the bronzy color for my scarf like in the books, and I blanked.... And I'm using silver like in the movies... I can be such a ditz at times! Owell, it's still really pretty! I'm actually about to add on the 5th set of bars, so use your imagination and add them on to this picture from last night! 

The two yarns are really 2 different thicknesses in my opinion, the blue barely making a worsted weight to me... But the nice owner insisted they worked well together and showed me something she had made with the two, and they did indeed look great together. Though they aren't quite the same size like she said, they fit nicely. The grey being thicker makes the captured bars just slightly bigger, which is a look I rather like. If you stretch the grey gently it is the same size as the blue, and the blue doesn't stretch at all, so I guess in a way they are the same size! All I know is it was $7.20 a skein! This scarf better last FOREVER! Though yarn is cheaper than professional therapy! 

That's all for now! Catch ya'll later!

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