November 5, 2007

And X gets the square....

I find it so much easier to post when I have a working camera and can actually take pictures of my work! After all each picture is worth a thousand words! I wonder if I could just substitute a picture for this 1000 word essay I have coming up....

Here's the latest square in my quilt, I now have an accurate representation of the color schemes for my checkerboards! I think I shall have to put this aside for now though and hurry up and start a scarf promised to a friend years ago! I have the yarn and everything! She wanted a HP scarf in Gryffindor house colors, and I insisted it had to be knit to look right. I have the pattern and everything! Sounds easy right? Wrong. It requires a knowledge of knitting. Which I don't really posses. So I finally found out that I could crochet it in a way I can't remember right now, but is commonly called the Afghan stitch and is done w/a loooooooong hook. So I bought the hook but was working on my quilt and didn't want to stop. Well now that I'm at a good stopping point I might as well pick up the hook and give it a go! As long as Pirates Online doesn't stop me! So addicting...

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